Thursday, April 30, 2015

White chicken at Woburn Safari Park

Some cool endangered species animals images:

White chicken at Woburn Safari Park
endangered species animals
Image by Scorpions and Centaurs
~~ Woburn, Bedfordshire, England

chicken in the grass at Woburn Safari Park
endangered species animals
Image by Scorpions and Centaurs
~~ Woburn, Bedfordshire, England

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bears at the zoo

A few nice animals names images I found:

Bears at the zoo
animals names
Image by Boston Public Library
File name: 08_06_000741

Title: Bears at the zoo

Creator/Contributor: Jones, Leslie, 1886-1967 (photographer)

Date created: 1930 (approximate)

Physical description: 1 negative : glass, black & white ; 4 x 5 in.

Genre: Glass negatives

Subjects: Bears

Notes: Title and date from information provided by Leslie Jones or the Boston Public Library on the negative or negative sleeve.

Collection: Leslie Jones Collection

Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department

Rights: Copyright © Leslie Jones.

Preferred citation: Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

animals names
Image by Boston Public Library
File name: 08_06_000730

Title: Bear

Creator/Contributor: Jones, Leslie, 1886-1967 (photographer)

Date created: 1917 - 1934 (approximate)

Physical description: 1 negative : glass, black & white ; 4 x 5 in.

Genre: Glass negatives

Subjects: Bears

Notes: Title from information provided by Leslie Jones or the Boston Public Library on the negative or negative sleeve.; Date supplied by cataloger.

Collection: Leslie Jones Collection

Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department

Rights: Copyright © Leslie Jones.

Preferred citation: Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nice Endangered Animals photos

Some cool endangered animals images:

Endangered Species Chocolate
endangered animals
Image by lightsight
The chocolate with cherries is so delicious. The chocolate is smooth
and silky and has a good bite.

Wild Dog (Endangered)
endangered animals
Image by Arno Meintjes Wildlife

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cool About Pet Animals images

Check out these about pet animals images:

Happy Tails: Bruiser
about pet animals
Image by LollypopFarm
Two years ago I spotted this little guy on your website and knew I had to meet him. The next morning I drove out to Lollypop Farm just as you were opening. As I walked across the parking lot, I spotted an employee walking a Chihuahua that looked just like one I was coming to see. I said, "Is this Bruiser?" and she replied, "why, yes it is, we are taking him to be on TV as our pet of the week!" When I told her he was the reason I had come, she arranged to take another dog and brought me inside to spend some more time with Bruiser. It was only a matter of minutes before I knew I couldn't leave without him. Sometimes I think about how different my life would be if I had gotten there even a minute later! I truly believe it was fate. Bruiser has been such a great addition to our family and I couldn't imagine a day without him and his unique personality. I can't thank Lollypop Farm enough for what they do each and every day. Thank you!

Jessica C.

Happy Tails: Bruiser
about pet animals
Image by LollypopFarm
Two years ago I spotted this little guy on your website and knew I had to meet him. The next morning I drove out to Lollypop Farm just as you were opening. As I walked across the parking lot, I spotted an employee walking a Chihuahua that looked just like one I was coming to see. I said, "Is this Bruiser?" and she replied, "why, yes it is, we are taking him to be on TV as our pet of the week!" When I told her he was the reason I had come, she arranged to take another dog and brought me inside to spend some more time with Bruiser. It was only a matter of minutes before I knew I couldn't leave without him. Sometimes I think about how different my life would be if I had gotten there even a minute later! I truly believe it was fate. Bruiser has been such a great addition to our family and I couldn't imagine a day without him and his unique personality. I can't thank Lollypop Farm enough for what they do each and every day. Thank you!

Jessica C.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Nice Animals For Free photos

A few nice animals for free images I found:

Port Lympne Wildlife Park 17-04-2012
animals for free
Image by Karen Roe
Nestled in 600 acres of Kentish countryside and housing over 650 rare and endangered animals, Port Lympne Wild Animal Park boasts some of the most spectacular views on the South coast making the experience a great day out in Kent for everyone.
A stunning vista awaits you offering panoramic views across the famous Romney Marsh to the English Channel and even the French coastline on clear days.
As well as the scenery, you'll see indigenous wildlife as you stroll through the park along the cool, shady woodland walks. Port Lympne Wild Animal Park offers something for every visitor from scenery to endangered animals!

Fortify yourself for the journey ahead at the café or jump straight aboard your safari vehicle truck ready to embark on your Port Lympne safari experience! Soon you will be journeying into the heart of a world renowned wild animal park, getting up close and personal with the most amazing wildlife on our planet and learning about the vital work going on at Port Lympne and in their homelands to save them from extinction. Keep your eyes open as you set off into the heart of our wild animal park - with over 70 species cared for right here by The Aspinall Foundation, what will you see today?

The African Experience
Traverse the stunning Kent countryside and prepare yourself to encounter free roaming herds of the planet's most iconic wildlife as you enter the African Experience. Take a break at Serengeti stop and refresh yourself after the first leg of the expedition. Rejuvenate at the café while enjoying breathtaking views over our African watering-hole and the English Channel towards France. Are you brave enough to enter the Discovery zone? Find spiders, snakes and other creepy crawlies....If you dare! Don't forget to check out the mischievous meerkats before jumping back aboard a truck continuing your journey through the open countryside where you can try to spot black rhino, giraffe, wildebeest, ostrich and more.

Port Lympne Wildlife Park 17-04-2012
animals for free
Image by Karen Roe
Nestled in 600 acres of Kentish countryside and housing over 650 rare and endangered animals, Port Lympne Wild Animal Park boasts some of the most spectacular views on the South coast making the experience a great day out in Kent for everyone.
A stunning vista awaits you offering panoramic views across the famous Romney Marsh to the English Channel and even the French coastline on clear days.
As well as the scenery, you'll see indigenous wildlife as you stroll through the park along the cool, shady woodland walks. Port Lympne Wild Animal Park offers something for every visitor from scenery to endangered animals!

Fortify yourself for the journey ahead at the café or jump straight aboard your safari vehicle truck ready to embark on your Port Lympne safari experience! Soon you will be journeying into the heart of a world renowned wild animal park, getting up close and personal with the most amazing wildlife on our planet and learning about the vital work going on at Port Lympne and in their homelands to save them from extinction. Keep your eyes open as you set off into the heart of our wild animal park - with over 70 species cared for right here by The Aspinall Foundation, what will you see today?

The African Experience
Traverse the stunning Kent countryside and prepare yourself to encounter free roaming herds of the planet's most iconic wildlife as you enter the African Experience. Take a break at Serengeti stop and refresh yourself after the first leg of the expedition. Rejuvenate at the café while enjoying breathtaking views over our African watering-hole and the English Channel towards France. Are you brave enough to enter the Discovery zone? Find spiders, snakes and other creepy crawlies....If you dare! Don't forget to check out the mischievous meerkats before jumping back aboard a truck continuing your journey through the open countryside where you can try to spot black rhino, giraffe, wildebeest, ostrich and more.

Port Lympne Wildlife Park 17-04-2012
animals for free
Image by Karen Roe
Nestled in 600 acres of Kentish countryside and housing over 650 rare and endangered animals, Port Lympne Wild Animal Park boasts some of the most spectacular views on the South coast making the experience a great day out in Kent for everyone.
A stunning vista awaits you offering panoramic views across the famous Romney Marsh to the English Channel and even the French coastline on clear days.
As well as the scenery, you'll see indigenous wildlife as you stroll through the park along the cool, shady woodland walks. Port Lympne Wild Animal Park offers something for every visitor from scenery to endangered animals!

Fortify yourself for the journey ahead at the café or jump straight aboard your safari vehicle truck ready to embark on your Port Lympne safari experience! Soon you will be journeying into the heart of a world renowned wild animal park, getting up close and personal with the most amazing wildlife on our planet and learning about the vital work going on at Port Lympne and in their homelands to save them from extinction. Keep your eyes open as you set off into the heart of our wild animal park - with over 70 species cared for right here by The Aspinall Foundation, what will you see today?

The African Experience
Traverse the stunning Kent countryside and prepare yourself to encounter free roaming herds of the planet's most iconic wildlife as you enter the African Experience. Take a break at Serengeti stop and refresh yourself after the first leg of the expedition. Rejuvenate at the café while enjoying breathtaking views over our African watering-hole and the English Channel towards France. Are you brave enough to enter the Discovery zone? Find spiders, snakes and other creepy crawlies....If you dare! Don't forget to check out the mischievous meerkats before jumping back aboard a truck continuing your journey through the open countryside where you can try to spot black rhino, giraffe, wildebeest, ostrich and more.

Nice Animals photos

Check out these animals images:

Birthday Animals
Image by Enokson
Fantasies Illuminations scratch and sniff stickers - 1983

(white streaks are from reflection of platic covering)

Felix (Animal Ark Rescue)
Image by pocketwiley

Bandit (Animal Ark Rescue)
Image by pocketwiley

Cool Animals images

Check out these animals images:

Image by

Image by

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nice Photos Of Animals photos

Some cool photos of animals images:

The Better To Hear You With, My Dear!
photos of animals
Image by shashchatter
[Thanks to all of you that like this picture and have supported it. It takes a beautiful animal and all of nature's beauty, the rest is easy!

I am traveling at the moment, will be out Jan 9-12. I'll have sporadic online access but I will make sure and view as many great streams as I can.

Thanks, again!]

More on my Animals set.

photos of animals
Algunos rotíferos, a pesar de su gran tamaño no parecen ser muy confiados y a su gruesa coraza añaden fuertes espinas. Es el caso de nuestro ejemplar de de hoy Dissotrocha aculeata. Claramente estas espinas son un contundente elemento de disuasión para aquellos depredadores que quieran almorzar a cuenta de este pequeño animal. Algunos gusanos turbelarios, ciertas larvas de insectos y también pequeños crustáceos pueden incluir en su dieta a los rotíferos, pero seguramente, con éste se lo pensarán dos veces. Dissotrocha aculeata, una especie solitaria, muy diferente en este aspecto a su pariente próxima Philodina roseola que crece con profusión en aquellos lugares en los que habita, además de las fuertes espinas presenta otra característica y es el pequeño tamaño de su órgano rotatorio. No sólo en su aspecto, sino también en el comportamiento que hemos podido observar en él, parece un rotífero arisco. En el agua se mueve contorsionandose con rápidez, haciendo que sus gruesas espinas, sólamente situadas en la parte dorsal, se muestren amenazantes y sobresalgan de su torso, así no hay nadie que se acerque a él, suponemos que a excepción de cuando encuentre a su pareja, aunque seguramente, al igual que muchos otros rotíferos, ni siquiera necesite pareja para poder reproducirse, pues directamente, sus huevos sin fecundar podrán orginar, en este caso rotíferos tan ariscos como él.

Dissotrocha aculeata es una especie de vida solitaria que habita en lagos, estanques y turberas, está ampliamente difundida, precisamente, la de hoy, fue encontrada en una turbera próxima a la Laguna de Peces en la Alta Sanabria de Zamora y ha sido fotografiada a 400 aumentos empleando la técnica de contraste de interferencia.

Con nuestra gratitud para Antonio Martínez Ron por la reseña incluida en su excelente blog Fogonazos de nuestra galería...y también a Paul por su referencia en y por su magnífica galería.

Puedes tener otra infomación en la exposición LA VIDA OCULTA DEL AGUA

Y en este catálogo

También en la galería de Fotolog

Y nuestro granito de arena por la Paz

What Are You Looking At?
photos of animals
Image by sirwiseowl
“Consider the cattle, grazing as they pass you by. They do not know what is meant by yesterday or today, they leap about, eat, rest, digest, leap about again, and so from morn till night and from day to day, fettered to the moment and its pleasure or displeasure, and thus neither melancholy nor bored. [...] A human being may well ask an animal: 'Why do you not speak to me of your happiness but only stand and gaze at me?' The animal would like to answer, and say, 'The reason is I always forget what I was going to say' - but then he forgot this answer too, and stayed silent.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Untimely Meditations
Photo taken at "Henley Lake, Masterton.


Check out these names for animals images:

names for animals
Image by e_monk
A cat is a puzzle for which there is no solution.
- Hazel Nicholson

View large on black


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis
Species: F. catus
Binomial name: Felis catus

names for animals
Image by ucumari
Many thanks to Stephen for helping me with the name!

Larry the cat
names for animals
Image by rikkis_refuge
Greetings folks, I'm one of the newest residents at Rikki's Refuge. Can't say I'm quite as annoyed as Pumba, but I sure am looking forward to getting out there in one of those cat runs. Can't say I think too much of these quarantined cages. But I do understand the necessity. So if you wouldn't mind, folks, I’d like to ask you to cast your vote in my direction. For only I can be your Valentines Neuter. Muchly appreciated, Larry (PS they made me promise not to tell who I was named after) Rikki's Refuge No Kill Animal Sanctuary,

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Nice Animals photos

Some cool animals images:

animal park, FAA, Germany, Lens Nikon 70-300mm f-4.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR Nikkor, pygmy marmoset, Stuttgart, Wilhelma, Zwergseidenäffchen.jpg
Image by globetrotter_rodrigo

animal park, emperor tamarin, FAA, Germany, Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin, Lens Nikon 70-300mm f-4.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR Nikkor, Stuttgart, Wilhelma.jpg
Image by globetrotter_rodrigo

Animal Kingdom - Green-winged pigeon
Image by SpreadTheMagic
Can be found in Asia on the Maharajah Jungle Trek.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cool Marine Animals images

A few nice marine animals images I found:

Striped hermit crab (Clibanarius infraspinatus) with animals on its shell
marine animals
Image by wildsingapore
More about this hermit crab on the wildfacts sheets on wildsingapore.

For a high res version of this photo, please review the details on about using my photos. When making the request, please include this reference: 111031chgd3427

Striped hermit crab (Clibanarius infraspinatus) with animals on its shell
marine animals
Image by wildsingapore
More about this hermit crab on the wildfacts sheets on wildsingapore.

For a high res version of this photo, please review the details on about using my photos. When making the request, please include this reference: 111031chgd3437

Farm Animals on the resort
marine animals
Image by Ed Bierman

20080705 - X-Day at Brushwood - 162-6257 - pipe in the goat's pussy

Check out these toy animals images:

20080705 - X-Day at Brushwood - 162-6257 - pipe in the goat's pussy
toy animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
The "Why A Goat?" goat gets its final coup de gras -- a plastic pipe toy inserted into its pocket pussy.

This is a tribute to Mary Magdelen's legal problems -- she lost custody of her child for attending SubGenius events, but the judge eventually had to recuse himself after BoingBoing brought attention to his obvious religious leanings, abusive conduct, and failure to separate his religious views from his professional conduct.

Earlier, someone said he had put vaseline (or something else sticky, like melted marshmallows) in the goat's "pussy", because he just knew that someone would get curious and stick their hand in it. And they did. Apparently Rev. Ivan Stang walked around with the sticky white stuff on their hand, freaked out and in denial, unable to wipe it off until he was told it was actually a harmless substance. I wish I could have photographed Stang's face! Classic!

BACKSTORY: After 20 years of interest in the Church Of The SubGenius, I finally got to go to X-Day! Praise "Bob"! A SubGenius MUST have SLACK -- and I was finally getting it when needed the most.

fake goat, pipe, vagina.
SubGenius. fake animal comedy. sexual comedy.

Brushwood Folklore Center, Sherman, New York.

... Read my blog at

...Read my blog summaries of X-Day here:
Day #1 (Wednesday):
Day #2 (Thursday):
Day #3 (Friday):
Days #4 & 5 (Saturday & Sunday):

Toys on Parade - 4
toy animals
Image by nep

Dizzy and his toy
toy animals
Image by Shamey Jo

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Nice Exotic Animals photos

A few nice exotic animals images I found:

Exotic Pidgeon
exotic animals
Image by Andwar

exotic animals
Image by
The afternoon sun made dramatic shadwos on this gazelle skull laid out on exotic animal furs.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Squirrel - 2

Check out these animals photos images:

Squirrel - 2
animals photos
Image by Natesh Ramasamy
Squirrels belong to a large family of small or medium-sized rodents called the Sciuridae. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs. Squirrels are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, and have been introduced to Australia. The earliest known squirrels date from the Eocene and are most closely related to the mountain beaver and to the dormouse among living species.

Squirrel - 3
animals photos
Image by Natesh Ramasamy
Squirrels belong to a large family of small or medium-sized rodents called the Sciuridae. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs. Squirrels are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, and have been introduced to Australia. The earliest known squirrels date from the Eocene and are most closely related to the mountain beaver and to the dormouse among living species.

Trinity Parade
animals photos
Image by AselaSashInfinity

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dead veal calves

A few nice free animals images I found:

Dead veal calves
free animals
Image by Farm Sanctuary
Dead pile behind a veal farm.

(Feel free to distribute freely for not-for-profit use, but please credit Farm Sanctuary. If you are media and are in need of a high-resolution version of this image, please contact us at and request the file "veal2_300_1".)

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), Amazona Zoo
free animals
Image by spencer77
This picture is available to use for free, under the creative commons licence. All I ask is that I'm given a photo credit & a courtesy email to let me know how it's being used.

free animals
Image by Farm Sanctuary
Mechanized milking stalls at a California dairy.

(Feel free to distribute freely for not-for-profit use, but please credit Farm Sanctuary. If you are media and are in need of a high-resolution version of this image, please contact us requesting the file "dairy_DSCN4599".)


A few nice wild animals images I found:

wild animals
Image by silvercrossfox

wild animals
Image by silvercrossfox

wild animals
Image by silvercrossfox

Cool Names For Animals images

A few nice names for animals images I found:

Ready to Pounce!
names for animals
Image by Jennuine Captures
A little kitty named Twinkie that I'd LOVE to take home with me. She's up for adoption at the shelter where I take photos. She was VERY intrigued by my camera :)

Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (Virginia)

Red Wolf (Canis rufus)
names for animals
Image by warriorwoman531
The red wolf is one of two species of wolves in North America, the other being the gray wolf, Canis lupus. As their name suggests, red wolves are known for the characteristic reddish color of their fur most apparent behind the ears and along the neck and legs, but are mostly brown and buff colored with some black along their backs. Intermediate in size to gray wolves and coyotes, the average adult red wolf weighs 45-80 pounds, stands about 26 inches at the shoulder and is about 4 feet long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail.

The red wolf is one of the world’s most endangered wild canids. Once common throughout the southeastern United States, red wolf populations were decimated by the 1960s due to intensive predator control programs and loss of habitat. A remnant population of red wolves was found along the Gulf coast of Texas and Louisiana. After being declared an endangered species in 1973, efforts were initiated to locate and capture as many wild red wolves as possible. Of the 17 remaining wolves captured by biologists, 14 became the founders of a successful captive breeding program. Consequently, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service declared red wolves extinct in the wild in 1980.

Over 100 red wolves roam their native habitats in five northeastern North Carolina counties and approximately 200 comprise the Species Survival Plan captive breeding program in sites across the United States.

In 2010, Miller Park Zoo was of only a handful of zoos in the U.S. that successfully bred pups. In fact, the zoo had 4 pups born in 2010 and all survived. The zoo is currently home to 6 red wolves with hopes of breeding to take place in the spring.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Cool Animals Games images

Check out these animals games images:

AHI Treasures of Southern Africa 3-07 1577 N
animals games
Image by Corvair Owner
The gang from the University of Arkansas Alumni Association at the Thornybush Game Lodge, South Africa.

AHI Treasures of Southern Africa 3-07 1576 N
animals games
Image by Corvair Owner
The gang from the University of Arkansas Alumni Association at the Thornybush Game Lodge, South Africa.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nice Animals Games photos

A few nice animals games images I found:

Broad Street House games room
animals games
Image by The Wilky Bar Kid

AHI Treasures of Southern Africa 3-07 1454 N
animals games
Image by Corvair Owner
A rhino family circles a termite mound. Taken at the Thornybush Game Reserve next to the Kruger National Park near Hoedspruit, South Africa.

Schotia Safari :: 08
animals games
Image by Crystian Cruz
Schotia Safaris is the oldest private game viewing reserve in the Eastern Cape, bordering the eastern side of Addo Elephant National Park.