Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cool Video Of Animals images

Check out these video of animals images:

20070730 - raccoon 2 - IMG_2858 - in the car - grabbing cage
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
He's somewhat pathetic-looking here, grabbing the bars like a jailed convict. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE PUNY CREATURE.


car, Alexandria, Virginia.

July 30, 2007.

... Read my blog at

To see video of the raccoon snarling and attacking Clint's camera:

To see video of the raccoon being released:

20080622 - Oranjello and the turtle - 159-5978-diptych-159-5979 - Oranjello crouched watching the turtle
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Oranjello attempts to use his laser vision to heat Timmy The Turtle into a turtle soup, but the turtle manages to get away by going around the corner.

BACKSTORY: Carolyn found a turtle -- right where we turn around in the chute to get out of our driveway. He surely would have been crushed had she not noticed, as he was not walking. He had dug a little hole and was kind of hanging out in it. So we took him inside for a photo shoot with the cat, named him Timmy The Turtle (after a NoFX song), and kept him in our bathtub for 3 days. Why? I don't know. Just for the novelty of it. Later, we released him by the creek in our back yard.

Another interesting thingabout this turtle is that he barely fit in his shell. When his head went in, his tail would stick out; and vice-versa.

crouching, walking, watching.
Oranjello the cat, Timmy the turtle.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

June 22, 2008.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

...View video of Oranjello checking the turtle out at:

20100612 - Food Party in Baltimore - Floristree - elevator - left, closer - IMG_0820
video of animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Part of the adventure was finding the place, which didn't even have a sign outside at street level. And has a locked door. Eventually, we finally got in. Then what? Nobody was around, and it was a weird hallway. Finally, someone walked by and told us what floor to go to. Even when the elevator doors opened, I still wasn't sure I was on the right track. Mainly, because I didn't even realize it was an elevator, even after the doors opened. It was just so unreal that I didn't know what I was looking at for a good second or so. (I've literally gotten the shaft at an elevator before, so I never assume there to be one when the doors open.)

A close-up, but the flash messed it up. I tried to fix it with the healing brush on the animals' forehead, but it was way too much work to try to do it perfectly.

Dave Halstead was here graffiti, animal face, animal head, digipack graffiti, word graffiti.

elevator, Floristree, Baltimore, Maryland.

June 12, 2010.

... Read my blog at

BACKSTORY: TV Carnage video party featuring Thu Tran, creator and star of IFC's AdultSwim-like show Food Party, as well as Matt Fitzpatrick, who does the music for Food Party, and Derrick Beckles, who directed the insane AdultSwim pilot Totally For Teens. They played Food Party shorts with Matt Fitzpatrick playing the music live, as well as Derrick Beckles Totally For Teens and Workout Video projects. And we got Thu Tran to autograph our clipboard!

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