Some cool names for animals images:
Image by Digo_Souza
As zebras são mamíferos, membros da mesma família dos cavalos, os equídeos, nativos da África central e do sul. A pelagem deste animal consiste num conjunto de listras contrastantes de cor, alternadamente, pretas e branca, dispostas na vertical, exceptuando nas patas, onde se encontram na horizontal.
É nas savanas africanas onde as zebras habitam. Encontram-se distribuídas por famílias: macho, fêmeas e filhotes. Estes animais, por serem atacados habitualmente por leões, podem se tornar animais extremamente velozes, pois para fugirem dos predadores, utilizam a fuga e seus fortes coices, podendo quebrar até a mandíbula de um felino. As listras das zebras vão escurecendo com a idade, e estes animais, embora se pareçam, não são todos iguais.
Apesar de parecerem todas iguais, as espécies de zebra existentes não são estreitamente relacionadas umas com as outras. As zebras-de-grevy têm origem de animais diferentes (de outro subgênero) daqueles que originaram as zebras-das-planícies e as zebras-das-montanhas.
Não se encontram à beira da extinção, embora a zebra-das-montanhas esteja ameaçada. A subespécie de zebra-das-planícies conhecida como cuaga (do inglês quagga, que designa o som que o animal produzia cuahaa), Equus quagga quagga, estava extinta, mas projetos de cruzamento entre zebras com coloração semelhante já recuperaram a espécie antes extinta, e o projeto liberou com sucesso vários exemplares na natureza.
Zebras are African equids best known for their distinctive white and black stripes. Their stripes come in different patterns unique to each individual. They are generally social animals and can be seen in small harems to large herds. In addition to their stripes, zebras have erect, mohawk-like manes. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and asses, zebras have never been truly domesticated.
There are three species of zebra: the Plains Zebra, Grévy's Zebra and the Mountain Zebra. The Plains zebra and the Mountain zebra belong to the subgenus Hippotigris, but Grevy's zebra is the sole species of subgenus Dolichohippus. The latter resembles an ass while the former two are more horse-like. Nevertheless, DNA and molecular data show that zebras do indeed have monophyletic origins. All three belong to the genus Equus along with other living equids. In certain regions of Kenya, Plains zebras and Grevy's zebras coexist.
The unique stripes and behaviors of zebras make these among the animals most familiar to people. They can be found in a variety of habitats, such as grasslands, savannas, woodlands, thorny scrublands, mountains and coastal hills. However, various anthropogenic factors have had a severe impact on zebra populations, in particular hunting for skins and habitat destruction. Grevy's zebra and the Mountain zebra are endangered. While Plains zebras are much more plentiful, one subspecies, the quagga, went extinct in the late nineteenth century.
The name "zebra" comes from the Old Portuguese word zevra which means "wild ass". The pronunciation is /ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə.
Convergence / Jim Brothers
Image by Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
Two Bears: Lakota Warrior
Named for the bear, an animal revered for its strength, invincibility, and resourcefulness, Chief Two Bears survived the Whitestone Massacre in which as many as 300 Sioux were killed. He was a brave warrior who fought in many battles including the Battle of Little Big Horn. Though he served as a translator and signed the Treaty of Fort Laramie, he believed in his people and their way of life. He strongly opposed selling land to the whites because he doubted their respect for the land and was convinced that the whites never made a treaty they wouldn’t break.
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