Sunday, June 16, 2013

Endangered Species Laws

Some cool animals that are extinct images:

Endangered Species Laws
animals that are extinct
Image by amareta kelly
A species (group of like organisms that can reproduce) is listed as endangered if it is in immediate danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part of its habitat. Fossils show that many plants and animals have become extinct over millions of years.

Canavalia rosea/maritima
animals that are extinct
Image by wallygrom
From Wikipedia -
Canavalia rosea is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, Fabaceae, that has a pantropical distribution. Common names include Beach Bean, Bay Bean, Seaside Jack-bean, Coastal Jack-bean, and MacKenzie Bean.

Synonyms include -
Canavalia maritima
Canavalia obtusifolia
Dolichos maritimus
Dolichos obtusifolius
Dolichos roseus

Coastal Jack-bean is a trailing, herbaceous vine that forms mats of foliage. Stems reach a length of more than 6 m (20 ft) and 2.5 cm (0.98 in) in thickness. Each compound leaf is made up of three leaflets 5.1–7.6 cm (2.0–3.0 in) in diameter, which will fold themselves when exposed to hot sunlight. The flowers are purplish pink and 5.1 cm (2.0 in) long. The flat pods are 10.2–15.2 cm (4.0–6.0 in) long and become prominently ridged as they mature. The buoyancy of the seeds allows them to be distributed by ocean currents.

C. rosea inhabits upper beaches, cliffs, and dunes throughout the world's coastal tropics. It is highly salt-tolerant and prefers sandy soils.

From Wikipedia -
Canavalia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family (Fabaceae) and comprises approximately 70-75 species of tropical origin. These vines have usually bright pea-flowers which are pollinated by insects such as solitary bees and carpenter bees (e.g. Xylocopa confusa).
They are commonly known as jack-beans. The species of Canavalia endemic to the Hawaiian Islands were named ʻāwikiwiki by the Native Hawaiians. That name means essentially "the very quick one" and comes from the Hawaiian word for "fast" that has also been appropriated into the name "Wikipedia". The generic name is derived from the Malabar word for the species, kavavali, which means "forest climber."

Several species are valued legume crops, including Common Jack-bean (C. ensiformis), Sword Bean (C. gladiata) and C. cathartica. At least the first makes a beneficial weed- and pathogen-suppressing living mulch. The Common Jack-bean is also known as the plant from which the lectin concanavalin A, con A is produced. This lectin is of major commercial and scientific importance as a reagent in glycoprotein biochemistry and immunology. Also, the Jack-bean is a common source of purified urease enzyme for scientific research.

Bay Bean (Canavalia rosea) supposedly is mildly psychoactive when smoked - it is used in tobacco substitutes.

Some animals have adaptation to the defensive chemicals of jack-beans. Caterpillars for example of the Two-barred Flasher (Astraptes fulgerator) are sometimes found on Canavalia. The plant pathogenic ascomycete fungus Mycosphaerella canavaliae was described from a jack-bean. Introduced herbivores have wreaked havoc on Canavalia on the Hawaiian Islands and made some nearly extinct; it may be that these lost their chemical defenses as no herbivorous mammals existed in their range until introduced by humans.

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